Along with the “traditional” means of passing parameters, we also support passing parameters as headers. Passing parameters such as api_key, render, ultra_premium and instruction_set is very straightforward.
Instead of including the parameters in the URL
require'net/http'require'uri'require'json'# Define parameters including headersparams = {api_key:"<YOUR_API_KEY>",url:"",render:true}# URI for the API endpoint (note: use HTTPS)uri = URI('')uri.query=URI.encode_www_form(params)# Create a GET requestreq =['Accept'] ='application/json'req['X-MyHeader'] ='123'# Create an HTTPS connectionhttp =, uri.port)http.use_ssl=truehttp.verify_mode=OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER# Perform the HTTPS requestwebsite_content = http.request(req)# Output the response bodyputs website_content.body
you can just pass them as headers
require'net/http'require'json'# Define parameters including the target URLparams = {url:""# Specify the URL you want to scrape}# Set the API endpoint URI (HTTPS)uri = URI('')uri.query=URI.encode_www_form(params) # Encode parameters into the query string# Create a new GET requestreq = Set Scraper API headersreq['x-sapi-render'] ='true'# Enable renderingreq['x-sapi-api_key'] ='<YOUR_API_KEY>'# Replace with your actual Scraper API key# Create an HTTPS connectionhttp =, uri.port)http.use_ssl=true# Enable SSL/TLS encryptionhttp.verify_mode=OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER# Verify the server's certificate# Perform the HTTPS request and store the responsewebsite_content = http.request(req)# Output the response body (the scraped content)puts website_content.body
Please note that the 'x-sapi-' prefix is used on each header to avoid collisions with headers used by target sites. We support all standard parameters available with the API. The instruction_set parameter is specifically supported only through headers.
require'httparty'# Define headers with the required parametersheaders = {"x-sapi-render"=>"true"}# Set default options for HTTParty, disabling SSL verificationHTTParty::Basement.default_options.update(verify:false)# Make the HTTP request with HTTPartyresponse = HTTParty.get('', {http_proxyaddr:"",http_proxyport:"8001",http_proxyuser:"scraperapi",http_proxypass:"<YOUR_API_KEY>",headers: headers})# Capture the response bodyresults = response.body# Output the response bodyputs results
Note that credentials must still be passed to the proxy in the manner shown above, not as headers.