After the job(s) finish, you will find the result under the response key in the response JSON object. The structure is the same as in the corresponding SYNC data endpoint.
Valid values are two letter country codes for which we offer Geo Targeting (e.g. “au”, “es”, “it”, etc.).
Where a Google domain needs to be scraped from another country (e.g. scraping from Canada, both TLD and COUNTRY parameters must be specified.
We also support Google Search parameters for this endpoint.
UULE: Set a region for a search. For example: w+CAIQICINUGFyaXMsIEZyYW5jZQ.
You can find an online UULE generator here: Number of results
HL: Host Language. For example: DEGL: Boosts matches whose country of origin matches the parameter value.
For example: DEIE: Character encoding how the engine interpret the query string. For example: UTF8OE: Character encoding used for the results. For example: UTF8START: Set the starting offset in the result list. When start=10 set the first element in the result list will be the 10th search result (meaning it starts with page 2 of results if the "num" is 10)