Getting Distil, Cloudflare, etc. bans.
Along with constantly fine tuning our proxy and header pools, within the API we’ve built in numerous anti-bot bypasses that enable the API to bypass most challenges thrown by anti-bots. Generally, your success rates will be a small bit lower on sites that make heavy use of anti-bots, however, you should be able to scrape the site reliably at scale with the API.
In the case that the API is completely blocked by a site or you are experiencing a very low success rate (under 70%) then please let our support team know about the issue.
This is generally due to the site using either a combination of 2 or more anti-bots in tandem or using a customised version of the anti-bot with higher security settings that stop the general bypass from working. In cases like these, one of our engineers will put in place a custom bypass for you if you contact our support team.
Last updated